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Articles & Publications


Here are some selected works that have been published. Those that are available to read will be linked. 

(May 2023) Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine

A Brief Introduction to Sensory Processing Difficulties: Tips for Parents & Professionals

(February 2023) Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine

Sensory Perceptual Differences in Autism: The Intense World Syndrome and Other Theories

(2013) Autism. 1 (1), 3-9.

‘Sensory theory in autism makes sense: A brief review of the past and present research’

(2011) Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia Psychologica IV, 98, 145-160.

‘Sensory perceptual issues in autism: why we should listen to those who experience them’

(March 2013) Online AWARES Conference

Autistic sensitivities

(November 2007) Online Autism Conference

The Triad of Perspectives in Autism

(October 2006) Paper presented at the International On-Line AWARES Conference

Communication in Autism: Do we speak the same language?

(2006) Good Autism Practice, 7(1), pp.3-12. [Reprinted in 2010 – Celebrating the first 10 years of the Journal]

Autistic accounts of sensory-perceptual experiences: Should we listen?

Publications in other languages

Below are some selected works that are published in other languages. 

(2006) ‘Percorsi Formativi’, Bergamo, Italy, pp.25-43

La ricostruzione del mondo sensoriale nell’autismo

(2004) Autica: Materialy na temat autyzmy (Materialy z konferencji ‘Zrozumiec innych – zrozumiec siebe’, Warsaw, Fundacja SYNAPSYS, pp.25-40.

 Komunikacja w autyzmie. Lakim jezykiem oni mowia?

(2006) ‘Percorsi Formativi’, pp.77-124

I problemi legati alla percezione sensoriale nei disordini dello spettro autistico

(1999) Les Cahiers de l’Actif’, N 280/281, pp.147-153

‘L’autisme en Ukraine: etat des lieux et ameliorations possibles des actions en faveur des personnes autistes

Articles in Russian (original)

Here are articles written and published in Russian. Those that are available to read online will be linked.

(2016) Аутизм и нарушения развития. Том 14. № 3. С. 21–31.

Модели организации комплексной помощи детям с расстройствами аутистического спектра на Запад

(2016) [Psychological Science and Education], Vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 131–140

Chereneva E.A., Bogdasina O., Casanova F.M., Li X.

 Modernization of the Autism Research Ideas and Development of Support Services for People with Autism in Russia: From a Regional Initiative to Globalization of Solutions. (Article in Russian, abstract in English)

(2012) The Siberian Journal of Special Education № 2 (6), cc.13-31

Особенности сенсорного восприятия при аутизме: Введение в проблему

(2016) Синестезия при аутизме

Аутизм и нарушения развития. Том 14. № 3. С. 21–31

(2012) Сибирский вестник специального образования No 2(6), cc.161-178

Проблема общения при аутизме: Говорим ли мы на одном языке?» (Лекция для студентов, специалистов, родителей детей с аутизмом)

Образование и социализация личности в современном обществе. Том 2,  cc.162-174

(2012) Синдром Ирлен: История проблемы
Image by Nathan Trampe


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